
Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Love the Way You Sin

It's the way they manipulate us.  It's the way they sass.  It's the way they stick it to someone.  It's the way they imitate us and we love it.  It even makes us proud.  I hate that I love when they outwit me in defiance. I hate that I love the way my children sin.

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I don't believe this stops with our honor and integrity.  We love when people are like us even if our similarities have to do with our struggles and our sins.  I see this in certain friendships, in the shows I watch on TV and most telling, in the way I raise my children.
This side of eternity, our flesh constantly struggles with sin.  At it's root, it's the desire to be our own god.  And what do little gods want most, little creations that are made in their likeness.  So we even delight in their  defiant likeness.

As Christians, we are justified.  We are redeemed through Christ.  We are saints.  We attempt to imitate our heavenly Father and our desire is that our imitation would be mirrored in our children.  But we are broken mirrors and we must humbly rely on God's grace.  My prayer is that God would use my feeble efforts so that by His grace, my children would grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. My prayer is that I would not pass on a recycled sin but teach them to confess their sins and look to Christ for their forgiveness.

Christ have mercy.

1 comment:

  1. So good! I think you've got such a good grasp of this, you qualify for healthy coaching positions - one who doesn't yell at their kids if they don't perform perfectly (or sin) perfectly. :) Thanks for the reminders...Karen
