
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

These are my sweet girls. 

Abby and Ally.  I can't ever keep their names straight. 
Ally begged me with her baboon cries to climb into bed with Abby for her nap.  How could I resist?
  Never underestimate a 16 month old.  She sat there quietly. She pulled the covers up over her acting as if she were really tired.  Something about Laura and Mary Ingalls lying in bed in night caps convinced me to let this play out.  I left the room and shut off the light.  The silliness began and two sisters giggled for half of an hour.  I came back in the room after hearing a loud crash, but it was too late.  The damage had been done- they are now bonded for life. :)

1 comment:

  1. Jay and I are curious...what was the loud crash??
