
Monday, June 13, 2011

Let Them Scrape Their Knees

One of my favorite childhood pictures was standing outside a friends house, arms linked with my buddy, Shelly.  We were probably three or four.  We were holding umbrellas even though it didn't appear to be raining and both of us sported some awesome band-aids on our knees.  Band-aids are like badges of honor for kids.  It's their war stories.

Today my kids were riding their bikes outside.  Ethan had the bright idea of tying some rope from his bike to his sisters.  Having super-mother psychic powers, I could foresee crying kids with scrapes and bruises.  I told them I thought the idea may not be the greatest and gave them my best words of warning.  They were so excited about the idea they begged me to allow it.  And you know what, I did.  I saw no possibility of serious injury or death.

Guess what?  Ethan turned too fast and Abby fell.  Not a grand fall, just off her trike.  I held back the native mommy, "I told you so" response and comforted Abby.  She got over it and got back on her bike... with the rope still attached.  They made some adjustments to the rope and bikes and went at it again.  They did learn an important lesson: where you tie the rope makes a difference.

This one is a hard one for me.  I struggle with being a helicopter parent- wanting to hover over my kids every move.  But Hello Kitty and Spider-Man band-aids deserve a chance to be used.  The popsicles in my ice box are getting freezer burn and the Cars and Princess ice packs look brand new.

It could be argued Abby's fall was preventative.  Perhaps some would call it neglectful.  I call it teaching kids to tie a rope.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! How many days did we take our "lives into our own hands" riding 2 of us on a mountain bike on a crazy busy road? If we weren't willing to risk it (and our parents willing to allow it), we would have missed out on so many fun, great memories!
    And, good for your kids for being so imaginative, adventurous, and tough to try new things and rub-some-dirt-on-it when they hurt! :)
